
Standard rate bookings may be cancelled free of charge until 7 days before arrival by contacting us. If you cancel less than 7 days before arrival then you will be charged the cost of the first night.

Non-refundable bookings will be charged at the full amount, even if you cancel. However if you cancel within 24 hours of making your booking we will not charge you.

Pay nothing before you arrive. The balance of your booking will be due during your stay. We accept online payments, cash, bank transfer and MBWay.

Tourist tax not included in the room price. Starting from 1 April 2024, we are required to collect a tourist tax from all guests aged over 12 years. The amount is 1EUR per night up to a maximum of five nights, and is passed to Peniche city council (we do not receive any of this amount). We will confirm at check in the amount due.

See our full terms and conditions.