We’re open again after our winter break and are feeling ready for the year ahead! We have a few exciting guest house upgrades to tell you about.

Room upgrades

First up: air conditioners in the guest rooms. That probably makes you think of cold air, but in fact that’s not the main reason we got them as the house is naturally cool throughout the summer. It’s more for the “warm” mode to keep you cosy on those winter surf trips, and the “dry” mode which keeps the humidity down more efficiently than a separate dehumidifier. Air conditioners are multi functional these days! For us this big investment was not only to improve guest comfort but also to keep the rooms in good condition for years to come.

We’ve also replaced the bath in Cerros and given Almagreira a fresh coat of paint. This keep the rooms feeling new and there are plenty of these smaller jobs to do every year. Our philosophy is to create a comfy and practical house, so looking after the basics is really important and always comes first.

In the shared areas

It’s the same story in the quintal where we’ve re-painted the walls, tables and chairs. White walls and blue sky is a classic Portuguese view and you will definitely find it here! The small garden that we dug out last summer for growing plants – something that was really missing before – is filling up and looking great too.

Our guest information has had a refresh, with a new restaurant guide because that’s the thing that guests ask about most often! We love helping our guests to explore the area so we share what we know, and that way you can go straight to the best bits.

Same great beaches

Of course, the real star of the show here in Baleal is the beautiful coastline with its numerous sandy beaches and world class waves. Come and visit in 2024!

Categories: guest house